Step 1: Grab and boot-up ur computer using
the WinXP disc.
Step 2: Tap "R" on the first screen after Windows finish loading up files.
Step 3: Select the Windows version and enter your Admin password if prompted.
Step 4: Go to the C:\> prompt by typing in "CD \" or "CD .."
Step 5: Type: "cd system~1\_resto~1"
(Note: if ACCESS DENIED follow Step 5a)
Step 5a: Type: "cd windows\system32\config". Then type: "ren system system.bck". Then restart the computer and go back to Step 2.
Step 6: Type "dir" and keep on hitting "enter" until you find the "rp" (restore point)
file with the highest number.
Step 7: Type: "cd rp#" (where # = the highest restore point number available). Then
type: "cd snapshot".
Step 8: Type the ff commands:
copy _registry_machine_system C:\windows\system32\config\system
copy _registry_machine_software C:\windows\system32\config\software
copy _registry_machine_security C:\windows\system32\config\security
**Simply hit "Y" followed by "enter" everytime it asks you if you want to overwrite/replace the files.
Step 9: Type: "exit" to restart your computer.
**The said steps work with BSOD 218 code with the following corrupted files: