=Rivatuner ver.2 RC10.2=
Main: =Low Level System Settings=
=Low-Level Hardware Overclocking=
How far u can overclock ur card depends on many things. The card brand, amount of cooling ur computer have etc.
typical 'fairly' branded GF2 MX card can handle 190core/190mem w/o probs. Combine that with a well ventilated/cooled casing,
then 200core/200mem won't give you any probs.
Some 'cheap' cards can only reach a max of 190core/190mem or even lower!
-Apply overclocking at start-up: I recommend enabling this option. But if u prefer to only enable o/c'ing b4 playing
games, then disable the said option.
***The trick is that u increase the core/mem slider 5 increments at a time and
play for at least an hour, and if graphics corruption or falling white dots (looks like snow) etc arise, set it back to ur
usual setting. If no graphics corruption or instability occurs then juz repeat the process up to the time that u reached the
max setting that ur card can handle.
**If u have a 'cheap' vidcard w/c can't handle high clock and core settings at
the same time. Just leave the core clock setting at default and increase the memory clock to its max (and stable) setting.
Afterwards, u can raise the core clock setting 5 increments at a time (if ur card still can handle it).
*Be reminded
that increasing the core clock gives u minimal increase in fps, and almost no increase at all in 32bit.
Clock Frequency Generation Accuracy: Select "Low (Safest)"
Fake DDR Workaround: Select "Force On"
=Mipmapping= Mipmap LOD Bias
Adjustment: -Default Value is zero (balance between speed and graphics quality)
-Move the slider to the left for
sharper images. I recommend setting this to -1.0, lower values are said to cause the textures to flicker. If ur not experiencing
any probs setting this at a lower value and ur system can handle the performance drop, then set it at a lower value for better
graphics quality.
-Set to a number higher than 0 (zero) for better performance at the expense of graphics quality.
Enable user mipmaps: -Enables programs/games to produce mipmaps. I recommend leaving this setting at its default
value (enabled)
=Depth Buffering= Enable 24-bit Z-buffer: I recommend that u leave this
setting enabled.
Z-buffer Validation Method: Set this to "always"
Enable W-buffer: Leave this setting enabled.
=Blitting= -I recommend that u do not put a check mark on any of the boxes cause they
will slow down ur d3d games/apps. But if u experience some difficulty running d3d games, enabling them 'might' fix ur probs.
=Vsync= Syncronization with vertical retrace: -Set to "always off" for better performance
-Set to either "auto" or "always on" if ur experiencing tearing with ur d3d apps/games.
limit: Set to "5" (or higher) for better performance. If u experience lags with a high value, then give it a setting
that is lower than 5.
=Textures= Texture Memory Settings: Set to the lowest possible number.
Texture Format Settings: Enable both options for better performance and compatibility with games.
Filtering Settings: -Set to "Force Level 2" for better graphics quality. (recommended)
-Set to "Force Level 1"
for faster performance. I don't recommend this setting or any other setting except the "Force Level 2" since the loss in graphics
quality isn't worth the increase in fps.
=Compatibility= Texel Origin Alignment: Leave
this at its default setting. If ur experiencing blurry text's on games, moving the slider to other settings will fix the problem
(often times to the left).
Enable Fog Togle Emulation: Leave this setting enabled.
-I recommend that u do not use this feature b'coz GF2 MX is not powerful enough to fully utilize this feature. I recommend
that u set ur resolution at a higher setting than enabling AA.
Syncronization with vertical retrace: -Set to "always
off" for better performance (recommended)
-Set to either "auto" or "always on" if ur experiencing tearing with ur
OGL apps/games.
Pre-render limit: Set to "5" (or higher) for better performance. If u experience lags then give it
a value lower than 5.
Buffer Flipping Mode: Set this to "page-flipping" for better performance. Set to "Auto" if ur
having troubles playing OGL based games.
=Rendering Quality= Default Bit-depth for Textures:
Set to "as desktop" for better compatibility with apps/games.
Enable S3TC Quality Trick: -Enable for better graphics
quality for games that support S3-texture compression. (recommended)
-Disable for better performance.
Degree of Anisotropy: -Set to "Force Level 2" for better graphics quality. (recommended)
-Set to "Force Level
1" for faster performance. I don't recommend this setting or any other setting except the "Force Level 2" since the loss in
graphics quality isn't worth the increase in fps.
=Compatibility= Hardware Acceleration
Mode: Set to "max acceleration mode" for better performance.
Disable support for CPU enhanced instruction sets: disable!
Amount of memory for PCI textures: set to the lowest setting possible.
Hardware Accelerated Lines Support: Set to "Force On" for better performance.
-I recommend that u do not use this feature b'coz GF2 MX is not powerful enough to fully utilize this feature. I recommend
that u set ur resolution at a higher setting than enabling AA.
=Misc. Tips=
If u have a dim monitor and having problems
with some of ur games b'coz det's brightness control doesn't affect the game (specially 2d games), then I recommend that u
use "Powerstrip's" color correction b'coz it applies with ALL apps/games, it even works with 2D games!
=Omega Drivers=
This driver is said
to increase NVIDIA cards performance and/or graphics quality. I tried it with my GF4 Ti 4200 128mb card and I got a pretty
impressive performance boost with it. Now I am not sure whether or not older cards can achieve the same result, but IMO its
worth the try. So if ur interested, check out my GF4 Ti tweaking section for more info.
Last Updated: 061902
=Closed to future updates=
Minor Update on: 011304